Monday, March 28, 2011

Dark Before the Morning

As some of you know, I've been going to counseling since the end of January. It's been a difficult process at times with many emotions, highs and lows. I am grateful for what I have been able to work through and verbalize in a vulnerable way. It has truly been humbling. At the heart of it all is that I want what I don't have and I am not who I want to be. When I think of the conversations I've had with my counselor and her wise words, it all comes back to this process of sanctification and change...and God's timing in my life. Even in the midst of what I feel in my longings, pain, darkness, I know that I am not alone and that there is joy and peace to be claimed. I know that there is joy in each day and I need to intentionally look for it. I can find gratitude in my heart even when I am discouraged. When I feel darkness, I will shine light. And with each new day there are blessings and reasons to celebrate. I continue to trust and wait in hope that God's plan for me is still unraveling. And each night as I fall asleep either through tears or with calm content, I know this is just the dark before the morning.

Before the Morning Lyrics Josh Wilson

Do you wonder why you have to feel the things that hurt you?

If there's a God who loves you, where is he now?

Maybe there are things you can't see and all those things are happening to bring a better ending

Some day, somehow you'll see

Would you dare to believe that you still have a reason to sing?

Cause the pain that you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming

So hold on, you have to wait for the light

Press on, just fight the good the fight

Cause the pain that you've been feeling is just the dark before the morning

My friend, you know how this all ends and you know where you're going

You just don't know how you'll get there, so say a prayer

And hold on, cause there's good for those who love God

Life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time, but you'll see the bigger picture

Would you dare to believe that you still have a reason to sing?

Once you feel the way of glory, all your pain will fade to memory

It can't compare to the joy that's coming

Cause the pain you've been feeling is just the hurt before the morning, just the dark before the morning

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